One of the benefits is the overall reduction in settlement costs and volumes. Approximately 50 – 55% of the pool allocations are eliminated with the introduction of 约务更替. Highlights of the services and benefits below:
- Trade 约务更替 with FICC as the operational Central Counterparty (CCP)
- Balance Sheet Netting
- Odd-lot processing in the TBA Net
- Do-Not-Allocate (DNA) service
- Elimination of Notification of 结算 (NOS)
- Elimination of the Give-up process
- Introduction of Trades with Stipulations
- Automatic Pool Instruct (PID) generation
全MBSD输入, output, systems and processes are impacted and changed, to varying degrees, by 约务更替; FICC is changing a process that has been virtually the same for decades. 结果是, new SWIFT-based Interactive Messaging Specifications, Machine Readable Output (“MRO”) file layouts, and reports have been created, as well as any requisite member reference documentation and training materials.